DATE: 2018 to 2020
WHAT: Brand Guidelines, Social media, Marketing Strategy
Make Life Skate Life is a 100% volunteer-run non-profit organization that works with local skateboarding communities around the world to create free of charge, community-built concrete skateparks. They have completed skatepark projects in India, Bolivia, Jordan, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Nepal, Morocco, and Iraq and have been successful through local community involvement from start to finish, providing local skateboarders with the tools, materials, knowledge, and inspiration to create their own projects. For MakeLifeSkateLife, I’ve been working on their digital strategy and social media. Although still in the early phase, the NGO has a wide base of followers and supporters but in order to get more funds and donations, there is a need to build a new marketing plan – starting from social media to making a new website and finding new ways to activate donations.
"As Digital Marketing Manager at Make Life Skate Life, Iva proves to be a devoted, creative, and proactive professional, accomplishing her role to our utmost satisfaction. Iva makes use of her broad set of skills and indispensable knowledge to advance the cause of our organization. Between every project member, Iva is highly valued because of her friendliness, her capacity for teamwork, her reliability, and her expertise."
(Arne Hillers, Founder of MakeLifeSkateLife)

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